How To Use Coffee Grounds To Keep Cats Away From Plants Inside And Out

Collect Coffee Grounds: After brewing your coffee, collect the used coffee grounds. You can also ask for coffee grounds from local coffee shops, as many are happy to give them away for free.

Dry the Coffee Grounds: Spread the collected coffee grounds out on a tray or baking sheet and allow them to dry completely. Dried coffee grounds are easier to work with and less messy.

Sprinkle Around Plants: Sprinkle the dried coffee grounds around the base of your plants both indoors and outdoors where cats are prone to visit. Be sure to cover the soil surface evenly without burying the plants.

Reapply Regularly: Reapply the coffee grounds every few days or after rainfall to maintain their effectiveness. Over time, the scent of the coffee grounds will dissipate, so it's essential to replenish them regularly.

Use Citrus Peels: Cats are also known to dislike the smell of citrus. You can enhance the repellent effect by placing citrus peels, such as orange or lemon, around the plants along with the coffee grounds.

Consider Planting Cat-Repellent Plants: Some plants, such as lavender, rosemary, and coleus canina (also known as "scaredy-cat plant"), have natural repellent properties that cats dislike.

Provide Alternative Areas: If your cat enjoys digging or scratching in the garden, provide designated areas with loose soil or sand where they can satisfy their instincts without damaging your plants.