Succulents: These low-maintenance plants come in various shapes and sizes, making them ideal for small indoor spaces.
Air Plants (Tillandsia): These unique plants don't require soil and can be displayed in creative ways, such as hanging in glass terrariums or mounted on driftwood.
Miniature Orchids: These petite versions of the classic flower add a touch of elegance to any indoor garden with their delicate blooms.
Baby Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii): These tiny, cascading plants are perfect for filling in small spaces and adding a lush, green carpet effect.
Miniature Ferns: These compact fern varieties are great for adding texture and a pop of green to indoor gardens without taking up too much space.
Dwarf Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): These smaller versions of the popular peace lily plant produce the same elegant white blooms but in a more compact size.
Miniature Cacti: These tiny cactus varieties come in a range of shapes and colors, adding a playful touch to indoor gardens while requiring minimal care.
Baby Toes (Fenestraria): These adorable succulent plants resemble chubby little toes and thrive in bright, sunny spots indoors.
Miniature Ivy: These trailing plants add a whimsical touch to indoor gardens and can be trained to climb or cascade over shelves and containers.