Separate Bananas: Remove individual bananas from the bunch and store them separately. This prevents them from ripening too quickly by reducing the release of ethylene gas, which accelerates ripening.
Wrap Stems: Wrap the stems of bananas in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. The stem is where ethylene gas is released, so covering it can help slow down the ripening process and prevent browning.
Store at Room Temperature: Keep bananas at room temperature until they reach the desired ripeness. Once ripe, you can prolong their freshness by refrigerating them.
Use Lemon Juice: Dip a cotton ball or brush in lemon juice and gently apply it to the exposed areas of the banana flesh. The acidity of the lemon juice helps to slow down oxidation and browning.
Use Vinegar: Similarly, you can mix equal parts water and vinegar and dip the exposed areas of the banana in the solution. Vinegar acts as an antioxidant and helps inhibit browning.
Wrap in Plastic Wrap: Wrap the entire bunch of bananas in plastic wrap, covering the stems as well. This creates a barrier that prevents ethylene gas from escaping and slows down the ripening process.
Store in the Fridge: If you want to extend the shelf life of ripe bananas, you can store them in the refrigerator. The cold temperature slows down the enzymatic activity that causes bananas to ripen and brown.
Freeze for Later Use: If you have ripe bananas that you won't be able to eat in time, peel them, cut them into slices, and freeze them in an airtight container.