Floral Separator

9 Upper Body Pull Exercises for a Big Back and Strong Arms

Pull-Ups: This classic exercise targets multiple muscles in the back, including the latissimus dorsi, as well as the biceps and forearms.

Chin-Ups: Similar to pull-ups but with a supinated grip (palms facing towards you), chin-ups primarily work the biceps and also engage the back muscles.

Barbell Rows: With a barbell and an overhand grip, row the weight towards your chest while keeping your back straight to target the upper back, lats, and biceps.

Dumbbell Rows: Holding a dumbbell in one hand, hinge at the hips and row the weight towards your hip, focusing on squeezing the shoulder blade back to engage the back muscles.

T-Bar Rows: Using a T-bar row machine or landmine attachment, row the weight towards your chest, emphasizing the contraction of the back muscles.

Cable Rows: Set up a cable machine with a V-bar or straight bar attachment, and pull the weight towards your midsection, retracting the shoulder blades for a full contraction.

Lat Pulldowns: Using a lat pulldown machine, pull the bar down towards your chest while keeping your back straight, targeting the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and forearms.

Face Pulls: Attach a rope to a cable machine at face height, grasp the ends, and pull towards your face while externally rotating the shoulders, targeting the rear delts and upper back.

Inverted Rows: Set up a barbell or suspension trainer at waist height, lie underneath it, and pull yourself up to the bar, engaging the back muscles while keeping the body in a straight line.