Apples and Potatoes: Apples produce ethylene gas, which can cause potatoes to sprout and spoil more quickly. It's best to store them separately in a cool, dark place to extend their shelf life.
Bananas and Tomatoes: Both bananas and tomatoes release ethylene gas, which can cause each other to ripen and spoil more quickly. Keep them apart to prevent premature ripening and spoilage.
Onions and Potatoes: Onions release moisture and gases that can cause potatoes to spoil and sprout more quickly. Store them separately in a cool, dry place to prevent premature spoilage.
Avocados and Bananas: Avocados can be sensitive to ethylene gas, which is released by bananas as they ripen. Keeping them separate can help prevent avocados from ripening too quickly.
Citrus Fruits and Cucumbers: Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, can cause cucumbers to deteriorate more quickly when stored together. Keep them apart to maintain their freshness.
Leafy Greens and Apples: Apples can emit ethylene gas, which can cause leafy greens, such as lettuce and spinach, to wilt and spoil faster. Store them separately to preserve their freshness.
Berries and Melons: Berries are sensitive to ethylene gas and moisture, which can cause them to spoil more quickly when stored near melons. Keep them separate to prevent premature spoilage.