7 Full Sun Annuals That Will Add Beautiful Color To Your Garden All Summer Long
Marigolds (Tagetes)
Bright, cheerful blooms in yellow, orange, and red that are easy to grow and maintain.
Petunias (Petunia)
Versatile flowers available in a variety of colors, perfect for containers and hanging baskets.
Zinnias (Zinnia elegans)
Daisy-like flowers in many colors that attract butterflies and pollinators.
Geraniums (Pelargonium)
Clusters of vibrant flowers in various colors, ideal for borders, containers, and window boxes.
Lantanas (Lantana camara)
Heat-tolerant flowers in colorful clusters that attract hummingbirds.
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)
Tall stems with large, bright yellow flowers that are iconic summer blooms.
Salvia (Salvia splendens)
Spiky, vibrant flowers in red, purple, and blue that attract hummingbirds and are drought-tolerant.